It’s been a while since I checked in here, and rule one of author websites is keep them up to date, because if you don’t people will wonder if you can still be bothered writing anything. At all.

So, to dispel the myth that I might have abandoned writing, Deception Crossing is out today!


As always, I’m keeping my promise to be wide published  You can get is at Amazon, or at Apple, Kobo, B&N, ScribD, and several other retailers.

And phew, I made it…I didn’t break the 2 year barrier! Ghost of the Navigator was launched on March 16th 2016. Yes, it took my nearly two years to write the next book. I don’t mind telling you, writing DC was about 85% misery and 15% total bliss. Was the 15% worth it? Oh hell yes. When I look at the final book now, I see a real achievement. I still think GotN is my favourite out of all my books, but DC is the first experience I’ve had of that feeling best described as ‘I hated most of the experience, but man, I think this book is good. It was all worth the pain.’

And that cover is pretty fucking cool. Thanks to Dane at once again, it’s his best work for me yet.

Anyway, to celebrate the launch, Shadow’s Talent (Book 1) is now 1.99 on Amazon. Just click the link in my sidebar to get it, if you don’t have it already.

Fighter’s Mark is still on permafree. Did I tell you? Why would I remind you yet again? Well, it’s like this: Deception Crossing is the book where the two series interlink, and certain characters from both worlds meet each other. It was one year in to writing DC that I first decided to do this, just after I finished the long draft that eventually became Fighter’s Mark and Fighter’s Defiance when I split it in half. Screft the shapeshifter’s backstory came out in such a way that I thought ‘Man, I’d be a fool if I never entertained the possibility that he might one day meet Shadow…oh what those two might do together…’

That was the move that rescued my Talent Show series from the jaws of defeat. I’m proud to be able to share this release with you today.

So much so that yesterday, I started the fourth and final book in the series, The Crystal Ship. Never before have I started a new draft so hard and fast. I’m up to 11,500 words in 2 days, and I’m wondering if this might just be the longest, fastest book I’ve ever written. I’m feeling driven to deliver the end of this series.

So how do I want it to end? Well that would be telling, and I’m nothing if not a hardcore pantser. I now think I know roughly what the ending is, but the question is how do I get there and who survives?

Watch this space.
